Insecticide Resistance on Five CommonPesticides of Empoasca flavescens in Fujian TeaGrowing Areas
Empoascaflavescens (Homoptera:cicadellidae) is a pestinsect difficult to be captured in the wild or bred indoors for insecticide resistancestudies. This experiment managedto collect tea jassids from theabandoned Wangjia Tea Farm in Fuan to compare with those caught at other teagrowing areas in the province on their sensitivities toward 5 commonly appliedpesticides. The drug resistance of the insects was determined by using apreviously established rapid detection method to show that the E.flavescens from Fuan, Anxi, andWuyi on (A) bifenthrin to be 12.70, 16.81, and 15.72, respectively,(B) on deltamethrin 9.28, 11.20, and 8.89, respectively, (C) on lambda-cyhalothrin4.72, 7.69, and 10.13, respectively, (D) on chlorfenapyr 1.30, 3.44, and 5.56,respectively, and (E) on tolfenpyrad 1.69, 3.27, and 3.45, respectively. Thetea jassids appeared to have developed a significant resistance to pyrethroid-classinsecticides in the regions and somewhat milder resistance to chlorfenapyr and tolfenpyrad. The detection method employed inthis study was simple and adequate for the purpose.