Effect of Baking Treatments on Storaged Famous Green Tea Sensory Quality and Major Biochemical Components
Graphical Abstract
TakingMengshan Maofeng stored for 5 and 10 months respectively, with a water contentof 8% and 13% as the research object, set 4 different temperatures of 70, 90, 110and 130℃ respectively, and bake for different times, to explore the effect ofbaking process on the sensory quality and effects of major biochemicalcomponents. The results showed that baking at 70℃, 90℃ and 110℃ could improvethe aroma, remove the old taste, reduce the bitterness and astringency of thetea soup, increase the alcohol degree, and improve the sensory quality of tealeaves, and sensory quality scores were higher than others. With the increaseof baking temperature and baking time, the total amount of tea polyphenols,amino acids, ECG, EGCG and catechin decreased, and the content of water extractand soluble sugar did not change regularly. Baking at 90°C has a significanteffect on reducing the total amount of tea polyphenols, EGCG, GCG, ECG, CG and catechinsin green tea, and baking at this temperature for different times can increasethe content of soluble sugar and increase the sweetness of tea soup. Baking at90℃ for 35 min would be the best treatment for storaged famous green tea withdifferent moisture content.