ResearchProgress on Anti-obesity Property of Tea Polyphenols
Polyphenolsis a unique ingredient in tea that is believed to be active in cancerprevention, pathogenic growth inhibition, antioxidant enhancement, and anti-obesity.As overweight becomes an increasing health concern worldwide, the search fornatural agents to curtail the ailment has received a heightened attention amongthe medical and scientific professionals as well as the consumers. Numerousstudies have shown a significant anti-obese effect of tea polyphenols by waysof regulating enzyme activity, inhibiting adipose accumulation, promoting lipidoxidation, stimulating energy consumption, moderating signal pathways, reducingobesity inflammation, repairing intestinal flora disorder, and promotingprobiotics. This article reviews the research advances on the effect of teapolyphenols in dealing with obesity and provides relevant references for thedevelopment of natural functional foods and supplements for weight-control andobese-mitigation.