Ability of Colored AdhesiveBoards in TrappingTea Green Leafhoppers, Mymarid and Parasitic Waspsat Tea Plantations
Graphical Abstract
Effects of the adhesiveboards in different colors ontrappingtea green leafhoppers(TGL)and its natural enemy, Mymarids,and parasitic waspsat tea plantationswere investigated. It was found that the yellow boards trapped the greatest number of TGL at an average rate of 68.33 heads/board, and the purple boards the least at5.28 heads/board. The TGL count on the yellow boards was very significantly higher than those on the boards in other colors (F=10.50,P<0.01). In all, the ability of the adhesive boards in attracting TGL ranked by their color in the order of: yellow> green >black>gray >red >blue>white>purple.For Mymarids, the color exertedextremely significant differences (F=16.82,P<0.01) on the trapping effect.Again, the yellow color seemed to attract the most Mymarids among all. They ranked as yellow> green>blue>white >red >black >gray >purple. For parasitic wasps, the yellow board was the highest among all on trapping rate as well, at 30.89 heads/board. There was, however,no significant difference (F=1.20,P>0.05) found on the ratio of natural enemies and pests trapped by different colors.