游小妹, 陈志辉, 林郑和, 单睿阳, 钟秋生, 陈常颂. 茶树新品系DG-12-6的乌龙茶香气分析[J]. 茶叶学报, 2019, 60(1): 9-13.
引用本文: 游小妹, 陈志辉, 林郑和, 单睿阳, 钟秋生, 陈常颂. 茶树新品系DG-12-6的乌龙茶香气分析[J]. 茶叶学报, 2019, 60(1): 9-13.
Xiao-mei YOU, Zhi-hui CHEN, Zheng-he LIN, Rui-yang SHAN, Qiu-shen ZHONG, Chang-song CHEN. Aromatics in New Oolong Tea, DG-12-6[J]. ACTA TEA SINICA, 2019, 60(1): 9-13.
Citation: Xiao-mei YOU, Zhi-hui CHEN, Zheng-he LIN, Rui-yang SHAN, Qiu-shen ZHONG, Chang-song CHEN. Aromatics in New Oolong Tea, DG-12-6[J]. ACTA TEA SINICA, 2019, 60(1): 9-13.


Aromatics in New Oolong Tea, DG-12-6

  • 摘要: 选用DG-12-6新品系和黄棪为研究对象,采用顶空固相微萃取(HS-SPME)法富集其香气物质和GC-MS进行香气成分分析。结果表明:DG-12-6共检出48个组分,分为醇类(53.59%)、碳氢化合物(14.72%)、酯类(9.8%)、酮类(7.0%)、其它(13.05%)、杂氧化合物(1.3%)、醛类(1.0%)等。其中主要香气成分为橙花叔醇(47.76%)、吲哚(12.01%)、ɑ-法呢烯(9.03%)、己酸叶醇酯(4.05%)、β-罗勒烯(3.82%)等;DG-12-6乌龙茶感官品质总分超过对照,表现为花香显,汤中有香,味醇爽,可能与香气组分中橙花叔醇、芳樟醇、β-罗勒烯、顺-茉莉酮等含量较高有关。


    Abstract: The aromatic compounds in the newly bred oolong tea, DG-12-6, determined by HS-SPME/GC-MS were compared with those in the Huangdan(Camellia sinensis). The 48 chemicals found in DG-12-6 included alcohols (53.59%), hydrocarbons (14.72%), esters (9.8%), ketones (7.0%), heterooxides (1.3%), aldehydes (1.0%), and others (13.05%). The aromatics, nerolidol (47.76%), indole (12.01%), α-farnesene (9.03%), folyl alcohol hexanoate (4.05%) and β-phenylalene (3.82%), were considered responsible for the prominent floral fragrance, superior aroma and mellow taste in the brewed tea that rendered a higher sensory score for DG-12-6 than Huangdan.


