

A Reflection on Tea Ceremony Show, Mulan: An Assertive Heroine of Rock-hard Bones and Flower-scent Spirit

  • 摘要: 本文从创作背景、茶品、茶席设计、茶艺流程、意境营造等方面探析了《岩骨花香木兰魂》主题茶艺的创编。该茶艺创作扣紧时代主题,采用类比的手法,将武夷水仙比作花木兰一般的女性,倡导“不惧磨难,立志报国”的精神。既丰富了武夷岩茶的茶文化内涵,又激励着当代年轻人脚踏实地,奋发图强,爱国爱家。


    Abstract: This article dissects a new tea ceremonial play with the theme of “Mulan: An Assertive Heroine of Rock-hard bones and Flower-scent Spirit”. The story, tea selection, fixture design, brewing process, and stage displays rendered by the artistic work were analyzed. Based on the legend of the brave woman warrior, who relentlessly fought against the obstacles to successfully replace her aging father in serving the country at war, the show metaphorically espouses the exquisite quality of the supreme Wuyi Shuixian Rock Tea to creatively narrate the hardship Mulan had to overcome and the heart-warming filial piety the legendary character displayed. Wuyi tea bushes are grown on rocky hills under challenging conditions, and then, the plucked leaves made into the renowned tea by a torturing process. The analogy accentuates the admirable determination and endurance of Mulan. Yet, at the same time, the audience is invariably spurred by the feminine tenderness of Mulan as a loving daughter through the narcissus fragrance of the tea. Along with its entertaining effect, the performance seamlessly carries the educational value for the young about hard work, patriotism, and familial devotion.


