

Reflections on Theme of a Tea Ceremony Show: Root-searching on the Silk Road

  • 摘要: 编创茶艺,是一项具有新颖性和创造性构思的创新艺术。舞台型茶艺融合茶专业技艺、舞台艺术及丰富的精神文化内涵,能以更多样的形式和视角传递情感、传播茶文化。主题茶艺作品《丝路寻根》,以“一带一路”茶文化交流为故事背景编创,在福建省职业院校技能大赛“中华茶艺”赛项中荣获一等奖。文章以此为例,从创作背景、要素设计、意境营造等方面进行解析与探究,以期为茶专业职业教育工作者、茶艺及茶文化工作者提供借鉴与参考。


    Abstract: Performing tea ceremony is an art. To attract audience, an outstanding stage show must be a novelty filled with creative and entertaining facets. By integrating tea drinking, spiritual inspiration, and cultural connotation, such a performance can not only convey the author’s sentiment and philosophical thoughts but also disseminate messages on tea culture and promote business. The theme of a recent award-winning play titled "Root-searching on the Silk Road" was written with the Belt and Road Initiative as backbone. It was the first prize winner in the Chinese Tea Art section at the skill competition for vocational colleges in Fujian. This paper analyzes the background story, show design, and rendition of the tea ceremony show. It was attempted to provide a reference for the future writers, industry professionals, and vocation educators in their pursuit of artistic endeavor or career development relating to tea and tea culture.


