

Theme Creation of Tea Ceremony, “People's Tea, Happy Tea”

  • 摘要: 本茶艺创编以福州茉莉花茶——茉莉银毫为茶品,以“百姓茶,幸福茶”为主题,将福州马鞍墙中的古厝文化、脱胎漆器技艺等与茉莉花茶文化系统结合,让文化得以传承与创新,彰显出新时代人民对美好生活的向往及文化自信。本文对作品的创作背景、主题立意、茶艺编排、意境营造等要素进行研究,以期为福州茉莉花茶主题茶艺表演作品创新实践编创设计提供参考与借鉴。


    Abstract: The tea ceremony show was created around the renowned Fuzhou jasmine tea with the theme of “people’s tea, happy tea”. It integrated the unique local jasmine tea culture with the story of ancient old houses in Fuzhou depicted on the Maan Walls and the one-of-the-kind lacquer craftmanship famed for centuries. Thereby, the traditional inheritance and new age innovation on the cultural treasures with Chinese characteristics on tea is given a vibrant shine. The show reflects people’s yearning for a better future as well as their beholding of the cultural pride that has been handed down from the ancient time. This article praises the author’s creativity by going through the background of screen writing, selection of theme, design of artistic display, and delivery of message to help dissect and provide information for ever-more likewise delightful performances in the years to come.


