

Community and Malignant Species of Weeds at Tea Plantations in Chaozhou City

  • 摘要:
    目的 为探明潮州茶区杂草基本情况,更好指导潮州茶园杂草管控。
    方法 2021年8月~2022年10月,在潮州市3个县(区)29个样点共290个样方开展茶园杂草调查,采用七级目测法,记录杂草种类及生长优势度。
    结果 本次调查共发现茶园杂草117种;其中菊科杂草24种,禾本科14种,蔷薇科7种,茜草科7种,蓼科6种,防己科、唇形科、豆科均为3种,以上9科共包含67种,占117种杂草物种数的57.2%。从杂草生活型分析,1年生杂草共44种,占杂草总物种数的37.6%;2年生和多年生杂草共73种,占杂草总物种数的62.3%。根据茶园杂草危害程度分类,其中茶园无害杂草39种,一般杂草24种,恶性杂草30种,重度恶性杂草8种,未定级杂草16种。不同海拔茶区杂草类群存在一定差异,高、中、低海拔茶区调查到杂草物种数分别为93种、83种和51种。
    结论 综上,潮州茶区危害最为严重、必须优先管控的杂草有9种,分别为:白茅(Imperata cylindrica)、鸭跖草(Commelina communis)、鬼针草(Bidens pilosa)、芒萁(Dicranopteris pedata)、假臭草(Praxelis clematidea)、空心泡(Rubus rosifolius)、杠板归(Polygonum perfoliatum)、真蕨(Pteridium aquilinum)和五节芒(Miscanthus floridulus)。本调查初步探明潮州不同海拔茶区主要杂草类群与危害最为严重杂草种类,将为科学制定粤东单丛茶产区杂草管控方案提供数据支持。


    Objective Weeds commonly found at the tea plantations in Chaozhou city were surveyed.
    Method From August 2021 to October 2022, 290 quadrats were set up for the survey on 29 sampling sites across 3 counties/districts in the area. Applying a seven-level visual estimation method, information on species and proliferation of the weeds was collected.
    Result There were totally 117 species identified that included 24 in the families of Asteraceae, 14 of Poaceae, 7 of Rosaceae, 7 of Rubiaceae, 6 of Polygonaceae, and 3 each of Menispermaceae, Lamiaceae, and Fabaceae which made up 57.2% of all. There were 44 annual plants constituting 37.6% and 73 biennials and perennials accounting for 62.3% of the total. Based on the degrees of damaging effect inflicted on the tea plantations, 39 were classified as harmless, 24 general nuisance, 30 malignant, 8 severely malignant, and 16 unclassified. Plantations on different elevations varied on the weeds grown on the location, as 93 distinct species were found on sites at high, 83 at intermediate, and 51 at low altitude.
    Conclusion The current survey identified 9 species, namely Imperata cylindrica, Commelina communis, Bidens pilosa, Dicranopteris pedata, Praxelis clematidea, Rubus rosifolius, Polygonum perfoliatum, Pteridium aquilinum, and Miscanthus floridulus, that posed severe threat to the plantations and needed be prioritized for an effective weed control.


