

On Teaching Collegians Tea Culture

  • 摘要: 通识教育是提高当代大学生人文素质和道德素养的重要教育方式。中国茶文化在传承与发扬我国民族文化自信、培育高校大学生人文素养方面发挥着重要作用。因此,本文从通识课程《茶文化学》开设的必要性出发,对课程建设中存在的问题、教学大纲的顶端设计、授课教师队伍的建设等方面进行了探讨。通过加强本课程的教学改革与创新,发挥中国茶文化的育人功能。


    Abstract: School teaching is an essential means for human beings to pass on the learned skills of life, valued quality of humanity, and treasured ancestral culture to the coming generations. For millennia, tea culture has been an integral part of the Chinese heritage. To include the teaching as basic requirement in college curriculum would help to instill upright character, self-esteem, and civility in the students. This article discusses the viewpoint and practicalities of implementation for higher education in the nation. Subjects, such as course content, teaching syllabus, and faculty construciton, are analyzed with suggestions. It is hoped that through the addition fundamental functions of our education system will be further enriched.


