

Tea Ceremony Created with Humanistic Care in MindIn Light of the Show “Tea Appreciation & Autism

  • 摘要: 茶艺是由茶衍生而来的一门综合艺术,不仅要科学合理的冲泡好一杯茶,更要在演示过程中充分体现主题思想并生动传达美感,体现编创者的审美理念、习茶态度与价值观,呈现有温度、有思想、有意义的作品。《星茶语,慢时光》以呼吁更多人关怀自闭症儿童群体为初衷,从自闭症儿童、母亲、茶叶拟人化的多重视角展开,讲述名为慢慢的自闭症儿童在母亲长期的悉心照料下,对茶叶逐渐产生兴趣并愿意接纳外界新事物的成长经历,充分展现对特殊群体——自闭症儿童的关爱,激发观看者向上向善的意愿和情感。本文从编创意图与主题选取、茶席要素设计、流程设计与解说、氛围营造等方面深入解析,探析人文关怀理念与茶艺编创融合的途径,以期为茶艺编创者提供借鉴与参考。


    Abstract: Tea ceremony, a unique art associated with tea drinking, derives from the skill and atmosphere of tea-brewing and evolves over the years into story-telling and vivid performance that conveys meaningful message through the aesthetic process. The exquisite beauty, the uplifting spirit, and the social value of such creation brings about heartwarming, thoughtful, and purposeful effects upon the audience. The show, Tea Appreciation & Autism, disseminates a compassionate understanding of the ailment and calls people to lovingly care for the disabled. From multiple perspectives using the story of an autistic child and his mother, the ceremony creator anthropomorphically illustrates the progress of the child from being mentally isolated to becoming captivated by tea drinking and gradually reemerging into the otherwise “foreign” world under the mother’s unfailing love and tender care. The show expertly explains the special needs of children with autism and implores viewers to meet the challenge. Taking the show as an example, this article introduces the new venue of achieving the humanistic quest through tea ceremony. By tracing the show creator’s noble intention, unique theme selection, eloquent stage design, artistic presentation, and pleasing displays it was hoped that autism would no longer be stigmatized by the public and the patients be appropriately cared for by the society at large.


