

On Nutritional and Health Values of Tea

  • 摘要: 茶作为一种传统的营养健康经济作物,具有降低心血管、肥胖、糖尿病等慢性疾病风险,以及调节和促进人体健康水平的积极作用。近几十年来,有关茶营养健康作用探究的动物及人群试验数量成果丰硕,但基于试验数据分析归纳的系统评价研究结果还不够深入和全面。因此,文章系统回顾并评价近十年茶营养健康作用探究的人群干预试验,以综述的方式归纳茶的各项营养健康作用。结果显示,茶在抗氧化作用、调节血压血脂、降低血糖水平、预防超重与肥胖及免疫调节等方面具有良好的健康效益,说明茶在预防心血管疾病、调节和控制糖脂代谢性疾病发生及维持机体正常免疫水平方面发挥着积极作用。


    Abstract: A traditionally acclaimed nutritional, healthy, and delightful beverage, tea is not only popular in China but all over the world. Not surprisingly, abundant claims and published literature appeared in the past, some came with support of animal tests and population studies. They highlight the value of tea on reducing the risk of chronic ailments and promoting human health. This article collected and carefully evaluated the reports on the community intervention trials held in the last decade to summarize their scientific findings. The nutritional, healthful, and medicinal functions of tea on antioxidative activity, cardiovascular regulation, serum lipids and glucose reduction, obesity prevention, and immunity enhancement verified by clinical evidence are presented.


