

Aesthetic Environment for Tea Drinking in Song Dynasty

  • 摘要: 茶空间作为饮茶活动的场所,是愉悦身心和寓情于物的重要场所。宋代是茶空间发展的重要时期,宋代饮茶空间的美学意境是宋代茶人审美价值的展现和精神的寄托,也是现代人向往之所。本文通过对宋代茶事文献与绘画的整理和分析,总结了自然山野、亭台轩榭和楼阁肆坊三类饮茶空间,进而归纳自然质朴、虚实相生和闲适淡然三类美学意境及其相应建筑、山水、陈设等组合特征,从而探寻宋代美学影响下的饮茶空间对当代饮茶空间营造的启示作用,以追寻茶我同一、天人合一的精神境界。


    Abstract: In tea drinking, a pleasant atmosphere invariably accentuates participants' enjoyment. For poets, writers, artists, and intellectuals, it may well help ignite their inspirations in creating masterpieces as well. In the long history of tea drinking in China, the Song Dynasty was the period when aesthetics of the surroundings where scholars gathered sipping tea was becoming much emphasized. As depicted in the literature and paintings, artistically designed settings gradually evolved which could be categorized into three types, namely, natural scenery, pictorial pavilion, and elaborate constructions. Respectively, manicured landscape, featured themes and fixtures, and artistic and functional architecture were applied to express the designer's aesthetics on the serenity of nature and wilderness, intermingle of dream and reality, and provision of comfort and entertainment. The concept and practice of merging tea drinking with the drinkers' sentiment to reach a harmony between man and nature has a profound implication and long-lasting influences in Chinese culture.


