

Genetic Analysis on Twenty-four Tea Germplasms from Fuding

  • 摘要:
    目的 采用荧光SSR标记研究福鼎地方茶树种质资源遗传背景,为福鼎地方茶树种质资源鉴定与利用提供依据。
    方法 利用24对SSR荧光引物对24个福鼎地方茶树种质资源与34个福建主要栽培品种进行检测,分析福鼎地方茶树种质资源的亲缘关系、遗传多样性、遗传分化与基因流,并对其中12个地方种质资源的叶片性状进行初步调查。
    结果 供试材料的有效等位基因数与观测等位基因数的平均值分别为6.2083、3.0836;多态性信息量(PIC)变化为0.292~0.833,平均值为0.586;观测杂合度和期望杂合度平均值分别为0.6185和0.6422。遗传距离聚类将供试材料分为3个群体,其中24个福鼎地方茶树种质资源分布在群体1与群体3,群体1内的福鼎地方茶树种质资源与‘霞浦春波绿’遗传背景较近,群体3内福鼎地方茶树种质资源与‘福鼎大白茶’遗传背景较近,群体2为福建省乌龙茶品种;群体相似系数聚类显示群体1与群体2相似程度更高。福鼎地方茶树种质资源的Shannon多样性指数为1.1505。12个福鼎地方茶树种质资源的长宽比为2.322~3.126,叶面积平均值19.014 cm2
    结论 24个福鼎地方茶树种质资源遗传背景主要分为2个类型,遗传多样性较丰富。


    Objective Genetic information on the local tea germplasms in Fuding were analyzed based on fluorescently labeled SSR markers for scientific identification and optimal utilization of the resource.
    Method On 24 local tea germplasms in Fuding, as well as 34 major cultivated varieties in Fujian, 24 pairs of SSR fluorescent primers were used as the molecular markers to determine the diversity, differentiation, relationship, and transfer of the genes of the cultivars. A preliminary study on the leaf characteristics of 12 germplasms was also conducted.
    Result On average, there were 6.2083 effective alleles and 3.0836 observed alleles in the specimens with the polymorphism information content (PIC) varying from 0.292 to 0.833 and a mean of 0.586 as well as 0.6185 observed hetemzygosity (HD) and 0.6422 expected hetemzygosiy (HE). The clustering by genetic distance placed the 24 Fuding germplasms in Groups 1 and 3 of three categories among all specimens. Group 1 was found closely related to 'Xiapu Chunbolv', Group 3 to 'Fuding Dabaicha', and Group 2 to oolong variety from the province. Genetically, Group 1 and Group 2 were highly similar. The Fuding germplasms had a Shannon diversity index of 1.1505 and half of them showed an average length to width ratio of 2.652 and leaf area of 18.378 cm2.
    Conclusion The 24 tea germplasms from Fuding were in two clustered categories and richly diversified genetically.


