张渤,石玉涛. 教育生态学视角下基于“产科创”融合的应用型生态食品和茶产业人才培养模式探索与实践−以武夷学院茶与食品学院教学改革为例[J]. 茶叶学报,2024,65(3):94−99. DOI: 10.20045/j.cnki.issn.2096-0220.2024.03.009
引用本文: 张渤,石玉涛. 教育生态学视角下基于“产科创”融合的应用型生态食品和茶产业人才培养模式探索与实践−以武夷学院茶与食品学院教学改革为例[J]. 茶叶学报,2024,65(3):94−99. DOI: 10.20045/j.cnki.issn.2096-0220.2024.03.009
ZHANG Bo, SHI Yu-tao. A Successfully Implemented Education Program Integrating Production, Research, and Innovation for an Eco-friendly Food and Tea Industry by College of Tea and Food Sciences at Wuyi University[J]. ACTA TEA SINICA, 2024, 65(3): 94-99. DOI: 10.20045/j.cnki.issn.2096-0220.2024.03.009
Citation: ZHANG Bo, SHI Yu-tao. A Successfully Implemented Education Program Integrating Production, Research, and Innovation for an Eco-friendly Food and Tea Industry by College of Tea and Food Sciences at Wuyi University[J]. ACTA TEA SINICA, 2024, 65(3): 94-99. DOI: 10.20045/j.cnki.issn.2096-0220.2024.03.009


A Successfully Implemented Education Program Integrating Production, Research, and Innovation for an Eco-friendly Food and Tea Industry by College of Tea and Food Sciences at Wuyi University

  • 摘要: 基于教育生态学理论,立足闽北生态食品和茶产业特色,针对教学与产业发展互动不够、服务地方发展意识和能力不强,应用型人才培养的教学资源和支撑平台不足,人才培养的质量与地方产业需求不适应等三大瓶颈,武夷学院主动融入南平市特色茶产业和绿色生态食品产业转型升级和创新驱动发展需求,紧密围绕“产、科、创”育人三要素,紧扣应用型人才能力形成规律,深入探索产教融合、协同育人的新机制、体制,构建了能力递进式应用型人才培养模式,培养了一批适应产业发展的高素质应用型生态食品和茶产业人才,社会影响广泛,为应用型地方本科高校产教融合育人提供了示范样本。


    Abstract: Following the principle of education ecology, the College of Tea and Food Sciences at Wuyi University designed and implemented successfully a program to meet the challenge. The geological and cultural heritage of the region led the food and tea industries in northern Fujian Province to encounter developmental barriers in three distinctive areas. There were insufficient effective interactions between the local educational institutions and business entities, a lack of acumen awareness and ample resource to foster future development of the community, and inadequate supply of well-trained craftsmen and talented researchers for business advancement. With the realization, the authority at Wuyi University collaborated with the Nanping Specialty Tea Merchants and Green Food Industry to launch a revolutionary program. The program integrated production, research, and innovation to nurture teaching and training for an eco-friendly industry. It embraced advanced technology instruction and vocational skill mentoring to generate a pool of force to staff the industry, enforced the educational ecology principles to thoroughly reinvigorate the existing school operation, and introduced the meritocratic hiring and promotion mechanism for the participating corporations. The newly adapted approach functioned successfully for the local economy ever since its implementation. It appeared to be a working model not only for the region but for other localities in the nation as well. Nevertheless, case by case adjustments to address the specific requirements are highly recommended to maximize the benefits.


