

Biochar Application for Improving Soil Conditions and Tea Plant Growth and Quality at Plantations

  • 摘要: 茶叶种植区在我国分布较为广泛,茶产业是诸多乡村的传统优势产业,也是农民增收致富的支柱产业。然而多数茶园因茶树自身生理特性与根系代谢导致土壤酸化外,长期施肥不合理导致土壤酸化加剧和养分利用率低,还造成环境污染,并进一步影响茶树生长与茶叶品质。生物炭是一种稳定的、高度芳香化且富含碳的固态物质,具有较大的孔隙度和比表面积、高度生物化学稳定性与很好的吸附性等特点,在改善土壤质量、提高作物产量与品质方面发挥重要作用。本文重点对生物炭在茶园土壤酸化改良、固碳减排、减少氮素淋失、提高磷有效性、促进茶树生长与改善茶叶品质等方面作了综述与分析,为今后生物炭在茶园的合理利用提供理论基础。


    Abstract: Being a pivotal contributor to the economy of many rural regions in China, tea industry is of significant importance for the locality as well as the residents. As the country increasingly industrializes, striking a balance between economic development and sustainable ecology has become a paramount task for the scientists and national policymakers. Since agriculture remains a major segment of the country’s economy and tea industry a critical element for rural revitalization, understanding the plant physiology and soil condition at tea plantations is essential for proper farming management. This article reviewed publications on the subjects such as characteristic and root metabolisms of tea plant, soil leaching and acidification, utilization of chemical fertilizers at plantations, nutrients availability in farmland soil, carbon sequestration in environment, global emission control, and crop yield and quality. As shown in the literature, adding biochar in soil appeared to be an outstanding, effective, safe, and simple measure of considerable potential for applications at tea plantations. Biochar, a chemically stable, carbon-rich substance with high porosity and specific surface area conducive to adsorption by solids or liquids, seemed ideal for the use to improve soil quality and crop production at low cost. The application, consequently, was believed to deserve serious consideration for implemented at the plantations, and farmlands in general.


