

Breeding ‘Minggui’ for Making Highly Aromatic Tea Products

  • 摘要:
    目的 开展茶树新品种‘茗桂’的选育研究,为茶叶生产提供高香型茶树良种。
    方法 采用人工杂交方法,从国家级鉴定茶树品种‘丹桂’(♀)ב瑞香’(♂)的F1群体中选育出综合性状优异的新品种茗桂。2008—2016年间在福建福安开展品比试验,2016—2018年间在福建福安、寿宁、漳平、安溪4个点开展区试,进行春梢生育期、鲜叶产量、制茶品质、抗性与适应性、生化成分等鉴定。
    结果 茗桂属于灌木型高香品种,晚生种,生长势强,树姿半开张,小叶类,新梢芽叶淡绿色,茸毛少,芽头较肥壮。春茶一芽二叶盛期是4月上旬。产量较高,第一生长周期鲜叶产量4455 kg·hm−2,比对照‘黄棪’增产17%;第二生长周期鲜叶产量5505 kg·hm−2,比对照增产8%。该品种内含物丰富,一芽二叶生化样含水浸出物49.38%、茶多酚20.88%、氨基酸4.26%、儿茶素总量12.06%、咖啡碱3.88%。制闽南乌龙茶花香较显、味醇爽;或有桂花香,味较浓、清爽。高感茶小绿叶蝉,抗茶炭疽病,抗寒性和抗旱性强。
    结论 茗桂是高香、制优率高、抗性强的茶树新品种,适宜在福建及相似生态条件茶区推广种植。


    Objective A new cultivar, ‘Minggui’, was bred for making highly aromatic tea products.
    Method From the F1 population of a cross-bred variety between the nationally renowned Dangui as the female parent and Ruixiang as the male parent, a candidate was selected. It was propagated for generations, carefully studied, and scrutinized by tests to arrive at a final choice. From 2008 to 2016, variety comparison tests were conducted in Fu’an, Fujian Province. From 2016 to 2018, regional trials were conducted in Fu’an, Shouning, Zhangping and Anxi, Fujian Province, to identify spring shoot growth period, fresh leaf yield, tea quality, resistance and adaptability, and biochemical components.
    Result Offspring of Dangui (♀)×Ruixiang (♂), Minggui was the finalist of the breeding program. It was a late-season, shrub-type tea plant with strong growth potential that developed into half-open bush with robust buds, light green small young shoots, and nearly velvet-free mature leaves. At tests in Fujian, it produced abundant spring one-bud-and-two-leaves for a first-round harvest in early April each year. The chemical composition of the tea was rich in water extracts at 49.38%, polyphenols at 20.88%, amino acids at 4.26%, total catechins at 12.06%, and caffeine at 3.88%. The oolong tea made of the plucked buds and leaves splendidly released a floral fragrance and gave a mellow, refreshing taste of the brewed tea. Or, according to some other tasters, the brewed beverage carried an osmanthus aroma with a strong and exceedingly refreshing taste. Minggui bushes also performed well on yield in the field delivering a leaf yield of 4455 kg·hm−2 in the first growth cycle that was 17% higher than control, Huangdan. And in the second cycle, a yield of 5505 kg·hm−2, which was 8% higher than control, was observed. Furthermore, it was resistant to tea anthracnose as well as low temperature and drought stresses. However, it was highly susceptible to the infestation by tea leafhoppers.
    Conclusion The newly bred high yield, stress- and anthracnose-resistant Minggui tea plant was suitable for scale-up cultivation in Fujian, as well as areas of similar ecological conditions, for making highly aromatic tea products after successfully passing regional and national field trials and receiving an official approval certificate.


