

Integration of Tourism with Xishan Tea Business at Guiping, Guangxi Analyzed by Resource-Market-Product Multi-criteria Decision-making Method

  • 摘要:
    目的 高质量发展农村产业是乡村振兴的必由之路。随着我国如期打赢脱贫攻坚战,文旅融合赋能乡村振兴,茶旅融合发展成为新趋势。然而,目前桂平市文旅融合发展仍处于起步阶段,存在营销模式单一、产品同质化严重等问题,经济效益未能充分发挥,亟需可持续发展。
    方法 基于茶旅融合的新型旅游模式,以桂平市西山茶为研究对象,以当地茶资源与旅游资源为基础,以市场为融合源泉,基于乡村地理学和旅游地理学等相关理论基础,应用Resource-Market-Product分析理论、可持续发展理论、游客感知理论等,通过实地调研、发布问卷等方式,综合分析所得数据,在充分掌握桂平市茶旅产业发展现状的基础上,精准挖掘茶旅融合发展的功能地位,深入剖析痛点难点,科学分析作用机制,提出了相应的策略。
    结果 桂平市西山茶旅融合面临的困境:西山茶叶产品供应不足、产业化程度低;发展机制不健全,服务体系不完善;宣传渠道有限,营销模式模式单一;茶旅文化元素缺乏,产品同质化严重。
    结论 推动广西桂平市茶旅产业提质发展:一是政府要优化发展环境,加大扶持力度;二是挖掘文化底蕴,加大宣传力度;三是加强茶旅人才建设,实施人才引进计划;四是有效整合茶旅资源,实现茶旅深度融合;五是创新驱动融合,带动乡村振兴。


    Objective As the nation strives to alleviate poverty, China continuously explores applicable venues to achieve the goal. Immersing tea-related entertainment into conventional tourism has proven to be one of the most effective and feasible approaches for rural areas. The program taken by the city of Guipin in Guangxi Province appeared to be an exemplary model in that pursuit for an in-depth analysis.
    Method The multi-criteria decision-making method incorporating the perspectives of resource, market, and product in an analysis was applied to critically dissect the tourist perception and business sustainability of the program implemented in Guiping. Field research and questionnaire survey were conducted for data collection and information gathering. Status on the program development, difficulties encountered, remaining challenges, and managerial strategies were scrutinized.
    Result The difficulties of Xishan tea tourism integration in Guiping City were summarized as follows: Xishan tea product supply was insufficient and industrialization was low; The development mechanism is not perfect, the service system is not perfect; Limited publicity channels and single marketing mode; Tea tourism lacks cultural elements, and the product homogenization is serious.
    Conclusion After a careful analysis, following measures to foster a successful high-quality program at Guiping were formulated. They include that (1) the local government to upgrade the infrastructure and public facilities in support of the planned development, (2) the residents and businesses to commit an intimate participation in the effort to exploit the cultural heritage unique to the locality for publicity and promotion, (3) the new tea-tourism to diligently and earnestly entice talents in enriching the attractions for a broad-based visitors, (4) the scenic tours and Xishan tea appreciation activities to maximize the entertaining and vacationing experiences for the visitors, and (5) the program management to encourage experimenting novel creations and efficient operation to facilitate reaching the developmental goals.


