

Compatibility of Metarhizium pingshaense with Thirteen Commonly Used Pesticides

  • 摘要:
    目的 明确平沙绿僵菌与常用的农药之间的相容性,为平沙绿僵菌与农药联用防治茶树害虫提供依据。
    方法 通过室内培养测定了13种农药对平沙绿僵菌Mp1530孢子萌发、菌丝生长及产孢量的影响。
    结果 藜芦碱、双丙环虫酯、联苯菊酯与平沙绿僵菌的相容性最好,在常规使用浓度、常规使用浓度稀释5倍和10倍3种浓度下,对菌丝生长有轻微抑制或促进作用。在稀释10倍时,对产孢量和孢子萌发抑制率分别为14.27%~25.68%和13.93%~27.88%%;绿颖矿物油、高效氯氰菊酯对菌丝生长轻微促进,但对孢子萌发、产孢量都有较强的抑制作用。茶皂素和印楝素对产孢的抑制率高达100%,对平沙绿僵菌孢子萌发的抑制率在3种浓度下分别为36.18%~66.71%和56.37%~80.74%,与平沙绿僵菌的相容性较差。
    结论 13种农药中藜芦碱、双丙环虫酯、联苯菊酯与平沙绿僵菌的相容性最好,茶皂素和印楝素与平沙绿僵菌的相容性较差。在本试验条件下,平沙绿僵菌可与藜芦碱、双丙环虫酯、联苯菊酯联用,不适合与茶皂素、印楝素联用。


    Objective Compatibility of Metarhizium pingshaense with some commonly used pesticides was evaluated for safe application of the biological agent in pest control.
    Method Effects of 13 pesticides commonly used at tea plantations on the spore germination, mycelia growth, and sporulation of M. pingshaense 1530 were determined in an indoor in vitro experiment.
    Result Among the pesticides tested, veratrine, afidopyropen, and bifenthrin were found most compatible with the fungus. The pesticides were applied in the conventionally used dosage, 5x or 10x dilutions on the fungal mycelia. The 10x dilutions of the pesticides exerted rates of sporulation inhibition ranging from 14.27% to 25.68%, and those of spore germination retardation from 13.93% to 27.88%. Green glume mineral oil and beta-cypermethrin slightly promoted the mycelial growth but strongly inhibited the sporulation and conidial germination of the fungi. As tea saponin and azadirachtin in 3 concentrations completely inhibited the fungal sporulation as well as 36.18-66.71% and 56.37%-80.74% on conidial germination, respectively, they were deemed not suitable to be used along with M. pingshaense.
    Conclusion Among the 13 pesticides, veratrine, afidopyropen, and bifenthrin appeared most compatible, while tea saponin and azadirachtin incompatible, with M. pingshaense. Consequently, M. pingshaensis could be safely applied for pest control in the presence of veratrine, afidopyropen or bifenthrin at tea plantations.


