Economic upgrading for a rural community islargely dependent on the development of major local industries. Hence, topromote the modernization, green transformation, and expansion of the existingbusinesses has become an indispensable task of a community that strives for athriving local economy. Being one of the three dominant commercial productsproduced in Fu’an, black tea is considered a prime target for further marketingand business improvements. The current industry could conceivably benefit by advertisingand promoting the brand names. This article reviews relevant literature tohighlight the objectives and significant effects of such effort. It summarizesthe current status, analyzes the ecosystem and functions of major constituents,and discusses the challenges associated with the brand name establishment. Inconclusion, a practical, feasible and compatible proposal for the black teaindustry in Fu’an ispresented aiming to help usher in an ever-flourishing business and ruraleastern Fujian.