The aromatic quality ofJianyang Madangshan 1 (
Camellia sinensis)white tea was determined using the automatic thermal desorption-gaschromatography-mass spectrometry (ATD-GC-MS) in comparison to Jianyang Gongmei.There were 49 aromatic compounds identified in Jianyang Madangshan 1 with atotal amount significantly higher than that of JG. The Jianyang Madangshan 1aroma was contributed mainly by volatiles including 1-penten-3-ol, hexanal,1-hexanol, valeraldehyde, isophorone, benzyl alcohol, 2-ethylhexanol, linalool,and benzaldehyde. Some other aromatics wereuniquely but richly found only in JM1 which included one of the aged types, 4 of the floral types,4 of the woody types, 6 of the refreshing types, one of the fruity types, and 2of the sweet types. These special aromacomponents improved the aroma quality of the Jianyang Madangshan 1 white tea,and made it form a unique flavor.