

A Reflection on Award-winning Tea-commercePromotion Theme: Marvelous Fujian Tea Reached Far via the Wan-li Tea Road

  • 摘要: 万里茶路是继汉唐丝绸之路之后的一条沟通欧亚的国际商道,是中国茶走向世界的重要陆上通道。第四届全国大学生茶艺技能大赛团体赛一等奖作品《盛世闽茶,茗扬万里》以艺术的形式再现了长久以来中俄茶文化的互融互通,引发观看热潮。文章以此为例,从创编的角度对创作背景、要素设计、意境营造等方面进行深入解析,总结了主题茶艺创编的经验,希望为茶文化工作者提供借鉴,同时也助力中国茶文化的国际传播。


    Abstract: The Wan-li Tea Road, like the Silk Road, was the key path thatallowed and fostered the widespread Eurasian tea trade during the Han and Tangdynasties. It contributed to the far-reaching and popularization of Chinese teaproducts over the area. In the recently held Fourth National Collegiate Conteston Skills Relating to Tea Commerce, the theme of the first prize winner titled Marvelous Fujian Tea Reached Far via theWan-li Tea Road which artistically recreated the historical exchangebetween Chinese and Russian merchants. The tea-ceremony show generated anastonishing response by the public. Taking advantage of it as an example, thisarticle dissects the background, design, and conception of the theme creationto arrive at suggestions for readers who are interested in the culture andinternational commerce of tea.


