

National Regional Trial Results onRuiming (Camelliasinensis)

  • 摘要: 茶树新品种‘瑞茗’由福建省农业科学院茶叶研究所从‘瑞香’自然杂交后代中采用单株育种法选育而成。瑞茗为高香优质乌龙茶新品种,于2013~2018年参加全国第五轮茶树品种区域试验。区试结果发现:瑞茗在4个区试点的物候期都比对照种黄棪迟;产量在桂林区试点与CK相当,其它3个区试点都比CK高(9.41%~24.86%),但只有云南普洱点有显著差异;制茶品质在桂林区试点与CK相当,其它3个区试点都优于CK;该品种的抗寒、抗旱性较强;对茶小绿叶蝉高感,与CK相当。综合各项鉴定结果,该品种属于晚生、高产、优质、抗逆性较强的乌龙茶品种,适合在福建福安、云南普洱、广西桂林、广东英德及相似地区栽培。


    Abstract: Ruiming(Camellia sinensis) was newly bred from the natural hybrids of Ruixiang (Camellia sinensis) by the Tea Research Institute, Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences usingthe single plant breeding method. It was a strongly aromatic, high-quality oolongtea. In the 5th round of the National Regional Trial for Tea Cultivarsfrom 2013 to 2018, it displayed, as compared with Huangdan (CK), a latephenological phase in 4 districts and a similar yield in Guilin but notstatistically significant 9.41%~24.86% higher yield inthe other 3 districts, but only the Pu'er district in Yunnan has a significant difference. Thequality of the tea processed from Ruiming leaves in Guilin was comparable tothat of CK, but superior to those in the other districts. The Ruiming cultivarwas strongly cold and drought resistant but sensitive to Jacobiascaformosana infestation as CK. Therefore, Ruiming was deemed to be ahigh-yield, high-quality, stress resistant, late-growing oolong tea cultivarsuitable for cultivation in areas such as Fu'an in Fujian, Pu'er in Yunnan,Guilin in Guangxi, and Yingde in Guangdong.


