

Quality of ZhangzhouWild Black Tea as Affected by Processing Technologies

  • 摘要: 为探讨漳州野生茶加工红茶的适宜工艺,以漳州野生茶鲜叶为材料,采用晒红工艺、工夫红茶工艺和新工艺(摇青工艺),将漳州野生茶鲜叶制成红茶,比较不同工艺对野生红茶品质的影响。结果表明,新工艺制得的红茶品质最好,香型比较丰富,除甜香外,多有花香、花果香、蜜香;茶汤浓度、甜度和鲜爽度协调融合,层次感好,改善了青、苦涩味,可应用于漳州野生红茶的生产。


    Abstract: Various technologies were applied to processZhangzhou wild black tea. Quality of the resulting teas was compared. Freshleaves from Zhangzhou wild tea shrubs were used to make black teas by the Sunny-redProcess, the Congou Black Tea process, and the new Yaoqing Process. The blacktea produced by the new method was judged to be of the highest in quality. Itwas rich in flavor with a subtle sweet taste, as well as, exquisite in aromawith a hint of flowery, fruity and honey notes. Its harmoniously balanced mouthfeel,sweetness and freshness suppressed the undesirable greenness and bitternesscommonly associated with tea. Therefore, the Yaoqing Process was considered thechoice method for processing the Zhangzhou wild black tea.


