

Research Progress on the Beauty Teas

  • 摘要: 美人茶,原料采自受茶小绿叶蝉刺吸为害的茶树鲜叶,经过特定工艺加工而成的特色乌龙茶产品。本文以东方美人茶为主要案例,结合其他美人茶开发概况,对其历史背景、产品特色、加工工艺、品质特征及栽培管理等方面进行综述以及市场前景展望。


    Abstract: Beauty teas is a special oolong tea classification thatare made of tea leaves bitten by Empoasca pirisuga Matsumura. Whenappropriate, the degree of injury from the insect bites on tea leaves generatesthe unique flowery, honey-like, fruity fragrance and taste in the tea. Themarketing and production of beauty teas fosters the establishment of “ecologicaltea gardens” by combining the traditional plantation operation with tourism.Such trend is in line with the consumer’s desire of sustainable agriculture forhealthy and safe food. Thus, taking the Oriental Beauty tea as an example,along with the business development of other tea products in the same category,this article explores the historical background, processing technology, uniquequality and product characteristics, cultivation and plantation management, andmarketing prospects of the specialty beauty teas.


