Biological response and stresstolerance of various
Camellia sinensis cultivars to low nitrogen (N) supply were investigated. A high N-utilizationefficiency variety of tea variety, Huangdan, and Benshan of low N-utilizationefficiency and Zimudan of medium N-utilization efficiency varieties weretreated with either the normal 225kg·hm
-2 N fertilization or areduced N supply at 22.5kg·hm
-2. The biological properties of the teaplants were monitored. Under the low N treatment, the height, circumference,bud density, and fresh leaf yield of the plants were significantly reduced.Understandably, the reductions on Huangdan were less severe than on Benshan or Zimudan.On the other hand, the low N-treated tea bushes produced leaves that gave aheightened aromatic intensity but weakened taste on the brewed tea. The resultsconfirmed that Huangdan cultivar could indeed efficiently use available N,whereas the low N-utilization Benshan would fit for cultivation on land withample supply of N.