Efficacyof Amblyseius cucumeris Oudemans on Predating Phytophagous Mites at TeaPlantations
摘要: 茶园适期释放胡瓜钝绥螨可以有效降低茶园害螨的危害,在茶园害螨危害盛期之前按照每亩6~7万头总量释放捕食螨,放螨20 d后,对茶园跗线螨的防治效果为76.13%。在茶园茶橙瘿螨发生期,释放捕食螨10 d后,防治效果52.50%,释放捕食螨20 d后,防治效果81.76%。Abstract: Efficacyof releasing predatory Amblyseiuscucumeris Oudemans in tea plantations to mitigate damages brought about byphytophagous mites was evaluated. Predatory A.cucumeris were releasedat a rate of 60000~70000 mites/667m2 before peak infestation periodat a tea plantation. Twenty days after the release, the control on Polyphagotarsonemuslatus reached 76.13%. Comparatively, the same biological controlmeasure produced an efficacy of 52.50% in 10 d and 81.76% in 20 d on Acaphyllatheae Watt.