

A Reflection on Award-winningTea Ceremony Show “Tea Fragrance in Dawan Village”

  • 摘要: 脱贫攻坚战以来,安徽省金寨县大湾村依靠“山上种茶、家中迎客”的发展模式,探索出一条茶旅融合助推乡村振兴的特色脱贫致富之路。以2021年中国(安徽)大学生茶文化创新大赛茶艺表演一等奖作品《大湾村里茶飘香》为例,从作品的主题确立、要素选择、茶艺编排、意境营造等方面的创新性进行研究实践,以期对主题茶艺表演作品的编创设计提供参考与借鉴。


    Abstract: In combating harsh economic disadvantage,Dawan village in Jinzhai county, Anhui took a novel approach to successfullyachieve poverty alleviation and wealth generation by promoting a spiritbusiness scheme of "Growing Tea on the Mountain and Welcoming Visitors atHome" in the village. The story was told in a tea ceremony show titled"Tea Fragrance in Dawan Village," which won the first prize at the2021 China (Anhui) Students’ Tea Culture Innovation Contest. Using the scriptas an example, this article illustrates the basic elements, such as themeidentification, content selection, artistic layout, and performance display,associated in constructing a stage play. Through the discussion, the authorhoped to inspire more artwork in promoting tea commerce that would provide aproductive and profitable venue for the people of financially deprived ruralareas in the nation.


