

Differential AromaticCompositions of Chungui and Fuyun No. 6 Minnan Oolong Teas Deposited for OneYear

  • 摘要: 闽南乌龙茶具有花香馥郁的品质特征,深得消费者喜爱。为探明自然陈化对清香型乌龙茶特征香气影响,以‘春闺’和‘福云6号’品种制成的清香型乌龙茶为对象,经过一年自然存放,采用顶空固相微萃取(HS-SPME)结合气相色谱质谱联用技术(GC-MS)对两个茶样的香气组分进行测定,应用主成分分析法挖掘香气特征及主要差异香气组分。结果表明,存放一年后的春闺与福云6号香气特征差异较大,存放一年春闺主要香气组分为吲哚、α-法尼烯、脱氢芳樟醇、(Z)-β-法尼烯、橙花叔醇、苯乙醇等乌龙茶特征性组分,均极显著高于存放一年福云6号,其中吲哚和α-法尼烯相对含量为10%左右,而橙花叔醇仅为2.46%。存放一年福云6号香气组分以β-紫罗兰酮为主,相对含量为4.85%。存放一年后,春闺和福云6号乌龙茶中大部分脂肪族香气未检出。综上,自然存放有利于乌龙茶中低沸点脂肪族香气散失,但橙花叔醇也明显降低,而吲哚和α-法尼烯在自然陈放过程比较稳定,脱氢芳樟醇相对含量明显增加。综上,自然存放有利于乌龙茶中低沸点脂肪族香气散失,橙花叔醇也明显降低,而吲哚和α-法尼烯在自然存放过程中比较稳定,脱氢芳樟醇相对含量明显增加。


    Abstract: Minnan oolong teas are renowned for their characteristic floralfragrance. The aromatic components in the highly flavorful Chungui and theacclaimed aromatic Fuyun No. 6 after a one year natural aging were analyzedusing headspace solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME) combined with gaschromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The chemical analysis clearly showeddistinctive differences on the compositions between the two teas. The majoraromatics in the one-year deposited Chungui oolong tea (CFCG), including indole, α-Farnesene, hotrienol, (Z)-β-Farnesene, nerolidol, andphenylethanol, were significantly higher than those in the one-year deposited FuyunNo. 6 oolong tea (CFF6). And indole and α-Farnesene constituted about 10%,while nerolidol 2.46%, of the total. In CFF6, on the other hand, β-ionone was the sole dominant aromaticsubstance which constituted merely 4.85% of the total. Little aliphaticcompounds were detected in either of the oolong teas. In conclusion, naturalaging is conducive to the loss of low boiling point aliphatic aroma of oolong tea,but nerolidol is also significantly reduced, while indole and α-farnesene is relatively stable duringnatural depositing, and the relative content of hotrienol increase.


