

Catechins and Purine Alkaloids in Leaves Located Differently on a Plant of Various Bitter Teas in Fujian

  • 摘要: 以福建安溪、云霄和大田苦茶资源为研究对象,‘福鼎大白茶’为对照种,采用高效液相色谱法(HPLC)、超高效液相色谱-质谱联用法(UPLC-MS/MS)测定了茶树春梢不同叶位的儿茶素组分和嘌呤生物碱组分含量。结果表明:福建安溪、云霄和大田苦茶含有特异成分表没食子儿茶素-3-O-(3-O-甲基)没食子酸酯(EGCG3"Me)和苦茶碱(TC),其中云霄苦茶和大田苦茶的TC含量大于30 mg·g-1,属于高苦茶碱茶树种质,云霄苦茶的嘌呤生物碱总量大于70 mg·g-1,属于高嘌呤生物碱茶树种质;对照种福鼎大白茶不含TC,仅在第一叶中检出EGCG3"Me(含量为3.07 mg·g-1)。参试苦茶资源的儿茶素总量在茶树新梢上的分布是随着叶位的增加,其含量先增加再减少,在第三、第四叶位达到最大值,嘌呤生物碱含量与鲜叶成熟度呈负相关关系。不同叶位的EGCG3"Me和TC含量差异显著,安溪苦茶和云霄苦茶的EGCG3"Me和TC含量随叶位增加呈递增,而在大田苦茶中的变化规律不明显;3份苦茶资源春梢第三、第四叶的EGCG3"Me含量均大于10 mg·g-1,本研究结果可为福建特异茶树种质资源的挖掘,苦茶资源的研究与利用提供参考。


    Abstract: Leaves from the bitter tea plantsat Anxi, Yunxiao, and Datian in Fujian Province, as well as those from Camellia sinensis ‘FudingDabaicha’ as reference, werecollected for the study. Contents of catechins and purine alkaloids in the springshoots located differently on a plant were determined using high performanceliquid chromatography (HPLC) combined with ultra-high performance liquidchromatography mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS). The results showed the leaves from the Anxi, Yunxiao, andDatian tea plants contained EGCG3"Me and theacrine. Thetheacrinein Yunxiao and Datian bitter tealeaves exceeded 30 mg·g-1 renderingthose germplasms in the high-theacrine category. Whereas the high content of total purine alkaloidsof more than 70 mg·g-1 in the Yunxiao bitter tea leaves making that cultivar in the high-purine alkaloid category. Fuding Dabaicha contained no theacrinebut EGCG3"Me at a concentration of 3.07 mg·g-1 in the 1st shoots. The total catechinsincreased initially and followed by a decline with the leaf position on abranch to reach the highest on the 3rd or the 4th leaves,while the alkaloids negatively correlated with the order (or, maturity). Thecontents of EGCG3"Meand theacrinein the Anxi and Yunxiao leaves increased withthe order of position, but no apparenttrend found on the Datian bitter tea. EGCG3"Me in the 3rd and4th spring shoots in the 3 bitter tea cultivars all exceeded10 mg·g-1. The results can provide a reference for the excavation ofspecific teagermplasmresourcesin Fujian and the research and utilization of bitter tea resources.


