

Sensory Quality of FloralWhite Teas Made from Five Varieties of Cultivars

  • 摘要: 为探明“一路香”等5个乌龙茶新品系的白茶适制性,于2019~2021年春季采摘一路香、叶来香、福茗3号、福茗4号、福茗5号等5个高香型乌龙茶新品系一芽二、三叶,按白茶加工工艺进行制样,并进行密码感官审评。结果表明:一路香、叶来香、福茗3号、福茗4号等4个新品系制白茶表现为花香显、味醇爽,品质总分均超过对照‘福鼎大白茶’,适宜制作花香型白茶。


    Abstract: To determine the suitability of 5varieties of Camellia Sinensis for making floral white teas, one bud, 2nd, and3rd shoots from the high-aroma oolong tea cultivars including Yiluxiang,Yelaixiang, Fuming No. 3, Fuming No. 4, and Fuming No. 5 were plucked forprocessing in the spring of 2019-2021. The password sensory evaluationindicated that, except Fuming No. 5, all experimental products displayeddesirable floral fragrance and mellow taste with scores superior to that of thereference, Fudingdabai. Consequently, these tea cultivars were potentialcandidates for processing high quality white teas.


