

Achievements on Tea Research in Fujian during 12th Five-year Plan and Prospect for Upcoming Five-year Plan

  • 摘要: 本文回顾了“十二五”期间福建省茶叶科学研究在科技成果、发明专利、承担自然科学基金项目、论文发表、创新平台与工程中心建设等方面取得的主要进展,简要分析了福建茶产业面临的机遇与挑战。围绕“十三五”福建茶产业发展提质增效的关键技术需求,提出了应加强茶树种质资源挖掘利用、茶园化肥农药减施增效、主栽品种配套加工与质量控制等共性关键技术研发和应用基础研究,争取在茶树育种材料创新、特异新品种培育,茶园高效生态低碳栽培,假眼小绿叶蝉绿色防控,茶叶加工品质工程控制等方面取得一批具有突破性的关键技术。


    Achievements on tea research in Fujian during the time of the 12th National Five-year Plan, including the scientific and technical awards received, patents and funds granted, publications realized, as well as innovation platforms and engineering centers established, are reviewed in this article. Looking into the future, opportunities and challenges facing the tea industry in the province are also discussed. Common key technologies and fundamental studies, such as fostering the exploration and application of germplasms for new breeds, optimizing the fertilization and pesticide applications, and developing innovative processing technologies and product quality assurance protocols, are presented to meet the calls of the 13th Five-year Plan. Realization of breakthroughs on the breeding, cultivating, and planting of low-carbon emission and ecological/environmentally friendly cultivars as well as effective controlling of Empoasca flavescens would also be highly desirable during the coming 5 years.


