

Conservation and Utilization of Fujian IndigenousTea Germplasms

  • 摘要: 概述了福建原生茶树品种资源迁地、就地保护和相关技术及优异茶树品种资源的筛选与创新利用情况。迄今为止,已保护的福建原生茶树品种资源7287份(品、株、系),其中2008年以来新增保护地方有性群体种及单株938个(株)、特异品种资源73株、野生或半野生(近缘种)茶树品种资源24株。已筛育出地方种24个,选育出杂交种20个。建立了茶树品种资源公益性资源共享平台,筛选新品系40多个,创意利用茶树种质资源2项。


    Abstract: This report summaries theex-and in-situ programsfor the conservation of indigenous tea germplasmsin Fujian. Currentstatus on the resourcescreening and innovative utilization ofthe germplasmsis presented. Since 2008, 7,287 germplasms of the local tea plantshave been collected. Among them, there were938sexual or individual plants, 73 with unique characteristicsand 24 wild or semi-wild varieties. Twenty-four of the conserved germplasms had undergonetrial cultivations, and 20 hybridsgenerated from the collection. Bypublically sharing theresources,40 new breeds of teahad become available, and 2 innovative projects implemented thus far.


