

Transformation of Tea Industry in Fujian Province

  • 摘要: 本文分析了全国茶产业的发展现状与主要特点、存在问题与原因;阐述了福建茶产业的发展历程、主要成效;并在此基础上,同时根据福建省茶产业发展趋势,因地制宜地提出转型升级的战略思考和发展特色现代茶业的若干对策。其主要内容包括七个方面:一是积极发展特色茶业;二是培育新型经营主体;三是推行适度规模经营;四是加大基础设施建设;五是积极开展有效服务;六是加大政府帮扶力度;七是强化人才队伍建设。


    Abstract: This paper discusses the current status, outstanding characteristics, existing obstacles and future outlook of the tea industry in Fujian province. The history and economic impact of the industry were reviewed. In preparation for the challenges ahead, business transformation and technological upgrading will become necessary. Mapping appropriate strategies to afford a smooth and effective transition for the modernization of the industry will be a crucial task for all involved in the years to come. Some of the major tasks facing the tea industry might include:(a)the development of a marketable uniqueness,(b)the nurturing of new business entities,(c)the determination of operation scale,(d)the upgrading of facilities and operations,(e)the implementation of effective services,(f)the utilization of public information sources and services, and(g)the recruitment of professional talents.


