

Nickel in Soil and Safety of Tea-drinking

  • 摘要: 以闽中地区8个代表性茶园为研究对象,采集茶园土壤和茶树各器官样品,分析镍在茶园土壤-茶树中积累和分布规律,并探讨其受土壤理化性质的影响;同时测定茶汤中镍含量和溶出率,利用目标危害系数法(THQ)来评估通过饮用茶叶这一途径的镍健康风险,推算茶叶中镍的限量值。结果表明,研究区茶园土壤全镍均值为18.58 mg·kg-1,茶园土壤有效镍含量均值0.90 mg·kg-1,镍的活化率均值5.30%,存在一定程度的镍富集现象,但均低于农用地土壤污染风险管控标准中镍的限量标准(GB 15618-2018)。茶树侧茎除外,其它器官镍含量与土壤全镍和有效镍之间呈显著或极显著正相关,茶树主根和侧根镍含量与土壤全镍、有效镍、pH值和有机质之间呈极显著正相关,侧茎和主茎镍含量与土壤速效磷之间呈显著负相关。不同样点的茶树各器官镍含量和富集系数差异较大,总体表现为侧根>主根≈主茎>老叶>侧茎≈新叶,茶树根部对镍的吸收累积作用较强,通过茶树枝条运输至新叶的镍累积较少,有利于茶叶卫生质量安全。茶汤中镍含量均值为116.41 μg·L-1,茶叶镍溶出率均值为41.75%,低于《生活饮用水卫生标准》中镍含量;茶叶和茶汤中镍的个人健康年风险比目标危害系数低2个数量级,该区域合理饮茶导致的健康风险较小;当茶叶中镍含量达到191.35 mg·kg-1或人体每日饮茶达到542.86 g时,此时通过饮茶摄入的镍才有可能导致健康风险。


    Abstract: Extensive sampling on the soils and the tea plants grown on them were conducted at 8 plantations in central Fujian for analyses to assess the nickel (Ni) contamination in soil and the Ni transportation, accumulation and distribution from the soil to various parts of a tea plant, as well as how they were affected by the soil physiochemical properties. Safety of the tea brewed from the tea samples was gauged by the target hazard quotient (THQ), and the maximum Ni in tea leaves and soil determined accordingly. The average total and available Ni in the soils were found to be 18.58 and 0.90 mg·kg-1, respectively. They were both below the safety thresholds specified by GB 15618-2018. Other than branches, the sampled plant tissues showed a significant correlation on the total and available Ni with the soil. Ni in the lateral and main roots significantly correlated with the total Ni, available Ni, pH and organic matters in soil but inversely to the available phosphorus in soil. The amounts and enrichment coefficients of Ni in different plant parts differed. They ranked in the order of lateral roots>main root or main stem>old leaves>branches or young shoots. The significantly higher Ni enrichment coefficients of the roots and the stems indicated that these parts accumulated more of the Ni transported to a plant than did the leaves. The rate of Ni leaching from tea leaves to steep water was 41.75%. As a result, on average the Ni content in brewed tea was merely 116.41 μg·L-1, which was significantly lower than the limit for drinking water (GB5749-2006). With the THQ of the brewed tea being less than 1, it was concluded that normal tea-drinking was deemed safe, unless the Ni concentration is greater than 191.35 mg·kg-1 or a daily usage beyond 542.86 g.


