

Background of Creating a Tea Ceremony Theme “Poverty Alleviation by the Young, Steady Progressthrough 2020”

  • 摘要: 茶艺是茶文化的重要组成部分,也是茶文化的一种具象表现形式。本茶艺创编以名优绿茶—信阳毛尖为茶品,以“大学生进茶乡做村官,利用自身知识技能,带领山区农民脱贫致富”为主题,用一杯茶回忆大学生3年村官生活的点滴。展现当代大学生响应国家号召,将个人理想与国家发展需求相结合,投身农村扶贫改革的奉献精神,对弘扬社会新风尚、鼓励更多青年积极投入国家发展战略具有重要意义。本文从创作背景与主题的确立、茶艺要素的选择与设计、茶艺流程、茶艺编排与意境营造等方面进行解析,以期为创新茶艺的设计提供借鉴与参考。


    Abstract: The theme of a tea ceremony titled“Poverty Alleviation by the Young, Steady Progress through 2020” is like any other artistic displays that is part of our cultureeloquently expressed in the art form for life enjoyment. This piece of creationcenters around the renown green tea, Xinyang Maojian, to tell an inspiringstory of college students arriving in a tea farmers village as administration stuff.They apply the learned knowledge and skills in school to help the villagers inthe mountainous region lift out of poverty, and eventually, becomeself-sufficient and some even reach affluency. Sipping a cup of tea, the authorrecounted his own life as a collegian turned a baseline administrator for threeyears in thepast. The story depicts the mindset of those dedicated youthin response to the call for the historically meaningful act of love of theirfellow citizens in need. With their personal idealisms and under the need forcivil development in the country, these young people enthusiastically devotedtheir time to the Youth Poverty Alleviation Action program. For the society ingeneral, it is of great significance that such sentiment be encouraged so thatthe coming generations are spiritually supported in their inspiration to carryon and accomplish the goal of this noble activity. This article explains thebackground of the theme creation. It includes the selection, design, process,arrangement, and conception of the tea ceremony to provide reference for thosewho may also wish to create artistic material associated with tea like this one.


